Monday Morning Teabag Wisdom

I like to think that I possess certain positive attributes. I consider myself to be a hard worker, willing to jump in when others need help, determined, things like that. I wouldn’t say, however, that I am particularly calm. And this week poses some additional challenges to me working towards my “highest achievement of the self”.

You see, we are getting ready to go away next Monday. It’s just for two weeks but as a family we are terrible at getting ready for trips. I make a bunch of lists that nobody follows and then I lose the lists and then we all promise that we will be packed at least the day before but end up chucking stuff into a bag three hours before the plane leaves while the taxi waits outside…

Then there is the issue of flying. Max loves it (free pop and salted nuts!), Glen doesn’t mind it (free vodka and tonic and the chance to watch MASH re-runs on his portable DVD player!) and I am deathly afraid of it. It takes a lot of hard work to keep that plane up in the air with all of my worrying, hand wringing and stress. Funny thing though, no one ever seems to notice or care. Well, except for Glen who will give me the occasional sideways glance to ensure that I am not hyperventilating.

I read in Heidi Swanson’s blog that when her plane hits turbulence she distracts herself by thinking about all of the amazing food she is going to cook and eat once she gets back on the firm, safe ground. It might be worth a try.

But for now it is Monday morning,  I have a mantra to work with and an entire week full of calm possibilities.

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3 Responses to Monday Morning Teabag Wisdom

  1. Colleen says:

    I just came across your blog. I love it! The pictures are great and you make the recipes seem very doeable.

  2. Brahm says:

    Wow – great idea – let me know if that path to calm works for you, I could sure use some of that most weeks!

  3. casamarr says:

    I say forget the tea & instead try a couple of stiff rum & cokes just after take off… every time.

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