- Kitchen Culinaire - https://kitchenculinaire.com -

One Year Anniversary and a New Site!

Today is the first anniversary of this blog! I can’t believe that it’s already been a year, and yet at the same time I can’t believe it has only been a year. It was my dear, sweet sister who encouraged me to start this site and then spent hours helping me set it up. Now, a year later I am amazed at how much I have learned, how many people I have connected with and how much fun I have had. It feels like a lot to celebrate!

Of course there is another big reason to celebrate. The redesign and launch of this new site! I have moved off Blogger and onto my own domain. Welcome to Kitchenculinaire.com

A few months ago I decided to create a website for my cooking classes, culinary tours and wine events. Instead of having one site on blogger and another site for the classes it just made sense to combine the two. My plan is to offer three different classes each month featuring many of the recipes from this blog.  The blog portion of the site will remain unchanged with photos, recipes and daily musings; seasonal menus and class offerings will be updated monthly.

In the new “About” section you will notice the addition of Sarolta Dobi. Regular Kitchen Culinaire followers will recognize Sarolta as a frequent commenter on my posts and a huge supporter of the blog. She’s great with finances (which I am not), very organized (which I am not) and has successfully run a business for many years. I am delighted that she is joining me as my partner in this small venture. Sarolta also happens to be a great cook and I am hoping she will be sharing some of her recipes here as well.

As for me. I am excited about a new year filled with cooking, eating, photography and friendship.  I’m still learning the ins and outs of WordPress and so, with the help of our web designer Rob, there will be some tweaking of the site over the next weeks/months. Looking forward to your feedback on the new site; your comments, questions and stories make my day.

Happy New Year!