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A Very Good First Day

Institut de Francais

I had hoped to post some photos last night but by the time I arrived back at my sweet little flat I was feeling somewhat tired and quite overwhelmed after the full day of orientation. Luckily, today after my first day of classes and speaking french for eight hours straight, I’m excited about the coming days and full of energy. I feel that I am very much in the right place at the right time.

The Institut is truly an amazing environment with a beautiful terraced garden featuring spectacular views, a fountain, orange and lemon trees, lavender and rosemary bushes, silver leafed olive trees, and plenty of benches where you can lounge in the sunshine. Not that there is a whole lot of time for lounging.

After the intensity of yesterday’s oral and written exams I am very, very thankful to have been placed in a group filled with 10 wonderful people who are very much at my learning level. There are lawyers and veterinarians and interior designers and business owners and educators and writers and students. Our instructor, Evelyn is smart, funny, patient and spirited.

I have a decent amount of homework to finish for tomorrow and so I must go. I hope that these photos can convey my feeling of enchantment with this very special place. More soon.

xo J